I found a nice Toshiba TV/DVD combo player on eBay, it's only 22 inches, so large enough to watch comfortably, but not too big. It's also white so it should fit into our decor pretty well. It'll receive the main channels digitally for free, and we can add pay channels easily should we wish.
We're going to mount it on the outside of the bathroom wall, aiming towards our couch. I found a sophisticated wall mount, which allows us to move the TV in all directions. We can keep it pretty flat against the wall, high enough to be out of the way, but pull it down and forward for viewing. I should be able to run the power and antenna cords back behind the kitchen cabinets, making for a neat installation.
Janne points out that you'll need a "Boxer" modem thingy and also an outside antenna installed or a satellite dish but I'm guessing you've got that covered.
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