I don't have an agenda for keeping this blog other than as a bit of entertainment for myself and my friends and family. I have had a few charming people find my blog and leave comments, but I always thought it was seen by a very small group.

Just for fun today, I looked at the analytical information on the blog, and I have to say I was amazed by the numbers. In just the past 6 weeks, there have been
1,769 visitors, and
789 of them have been new viewers. Who knew?

A dizzying array of information is available about these visitors. As you might expect, most are from the US, UK, or Sweden. However, readers from 50 other countries took a look these past weeks. I appear to have a regular reader in Santiago, so
hola, whomever you are. I'd love to visit your country some day.
Reaching back to this blog's beginning, the single most popular subject has been the Cinderella toilet. It looks like people searching (in English) for information on incinerating toilets find my blog from the main Google search page. The second most popular search term is "Marcia Rutger", which I find intriguing.
There are some disappointing stats, however. Most new visitors spend less than a minute on the site, so I don't appear to be enrapturing my audience. And 56% of my visitors use Windows on their computer, which is 56% too many in my opinion. But there are 9 iPad users who've stopped by, so a shout-out to all of you!
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