I finally got Göran's bill for all the electrical work and it was a whopper, about 40,000 kronor more than I had originally planned. The good news is that he did excellent work, and it's all done now; the bad news is that it represents a significant chunk out of my remaining budget. Aside from the helicopter, I had been pretty much on plan, so this is a little setback.
There's more good news/bad news: The kronor is 8.8 to the dollar, which is fantastic. However, my funds in the US are by no means bottomless, and we still have the bathroom, water, stairs and final furniture and fittings to do.
I still think I have enough cash on hand to accomplish those things, but we'll have to see!
Only in your blog, could you find "aside from the helicopter" in the "unexpected expenses" category. Unless you include that swindler who flew in the not-actually-a-gazillion-notes-worth-of-prize-money to that stadium recently. Of course, he doesn't have a blog, and he did plan for the helicopter expense, so maybe he doesn't count.
So you da man! Awesome!
Why was the electrician so much more expensive did he not deliver an offer/fixed price to you?
I haven't seen the detailed accounting yet but safe to say that I underbudgeted, overspecified, and undercommunicated...
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