Saturday, April 24, 2010

Leaving on Wednesday

I had posted in mid-March about moving our trip from Easter to late April, and quick enough, that time is almost here! Grant will stay behind with Ollie, and Sooz and I will leave Wednesday morning. We've booked a taxi boat for Thursday to transport the IKEA stuff Marcia bought for us. We also plan to make a big food shop at the ICA in Gustavsberg with as much bulky and non-perishable stuff as we can carry. A lesson I learned long ago was to maximise our trips out to the island!

The timing isn't ideal in many ways, though. Rutger's going to be away (although he will leave us his car), and we're going to miss Margaret, Janne—and Dave—by just one day. Plus the weather forecast those days is not looking too good, either. Drat.

But it will be good to recommission the house for the summer, and to have a couple of days with my sweetie!

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