About an American family with a summer cabin in the Stockholm archipelago. Information on island life, Swedish culture, design and building trends. And toilets.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Our land is registered!!
As I expected, a bunch of documents came from Lantmäteriet today, and to the best of our Swedish comprehension skills, our land is now officially registered in our names.
The key phrase for me was underrättelse, lagfart which translates to "notification of title registration"; a pretty good clue. Of course there's a 4575kr fee for the registration. But it's ours now!
Hej, I'm so happy that I have found someone who has got a underrättelse lagfart from a Lantmäterriet. I have to explain: My husband gave his part of our Sweden-House to me. Now we are waiting for the underrättelse, lagfart. All is paid and done.I sent E-mails to lantmäterriet but I get no answer!!! For me it's important to know if there are really the two words underrättelse, lagfart on your document.There was an underrättelse (without lagfart) in september, before paying the fee, but I don' t think that this one is what you get at the end, when the all is registered. I would be so happy to get an answer. Best regards Connie from Germany
I'm so happy that I have found someone who has got a underrättelse lagfart from a Lantmäterriet.
I have to explain: My husband gave his part of our Sweden-House to me. Now we are waiting for the underrättelse, lagfart. All is paid and done.I sent E-mails to lantmäterriet but I get no answer!!!
For me it's important to know if there are really the two words underrättelse, lagfart on your document.There was an underrättelse (without lagfart) in september, before paying the fee, but I don' t think that this one is what you get at the end, when the all is registered.
I would be so happy to get an answer.
Best regards
Connie from Germany
After I paid the fee, I received a letter from Sketteverket with a registration number. That was what I was looking for.
Send me your email and I will give you more details. Don
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